Hi! I'm
Aakash Saini
I'm a web

I'm a passionate Full Stack Developer with a solid grasp of DevOps. I have a keen interest in Web3 technologies and am actively expanding my expertise in this cutting-edge field.

Next-JS Tailwind CSS
Next-JS Tailwind CSS
Next-JS Tailwind CSS
Next-JS Tailwind CSS

My Tech Stack

Next-JS, Typescript, MERN, Prisma, Tailwind CSS, Chakra UI

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Working hard to be a Lead

Working on both CST and IST timezones

Behind the Scene

Currently learning WEB 3.0 technologies

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Overview of My Studies and Work:
A Timeline of My Journey


Completed My Bachelor's Degree (BCA)

⚡ I have studied basic software engineering subjects like DS, Algorithms, DBMS, OS, AP, AI etc.
⚡ Apart from this, I have done courses on Full Stack Development, DevOps and Cloud Computing.

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Front-End Developer Intern (3 Months)

Skils: React-Vite, Tailwind-CSS, JavaScript, Material-UI, Figma

✅ Designed and built the company website from start.
✅ Worked in a team of 4 developers.
✅ Deployed and managed the website.

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Contributing to Open Source and Learning New Skills

Learning DevOps and advanced web development topics, such as system design, server and database scaling, Kubernetes. Additionally, I am exploring Web3 technologies, including Solana, Hardhat, Solidity, smart contracts, and Chainlink.

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Have a project in mind?

Reach out to me, and let’s discuss how we can collaborate on various projects.

Copyright © by Aakash Saini